Shared splash art for Slayer Pantheon, Slayer Jinx, and Zombie Nunu skins, released in October 2015. Tweet VN:F [1.9.22_1171]please wait...Rating: 3.8/5 (5 votes cast)Slayer Pantheon & Jinx and Zombie Nunu Skins, 3.8 out of 5 based on 5 ratings Image resolution: 1215 × 717 Direct Link: HTML Code: <a href="">Slayer Pantheon & Jinx and Zombie Nunu Skins</a> Forum Code: [URL=]Slayer Pantheon & Jinx and Zombie Nunu Skins[/URL] Reddit Code: [Slayer Pantheon & Jinx and Zombie Nunu Skins](